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database performance: FreeBSD vs Linux vs Solaris: Multi-Threaded Select

Multi-Threaded Select Performance


With up to 100 threads and a 5 milliseconds delay, FreeBSD and Linux are neck and neck but Linux suffers a performance drop after 55 threads (the data for Solaris is not yet available):

The performance blip at around 55 threads is reproducible (data from a separate run).

With a 10 milliseconds delay in each thread, FreeBSD and Linux are still even and Solaris is 50% slower:

As above, in more detail (per number of threads started):

With many more threads (and a 5 millisecond delay), Solaris failed after 500 threads. Linux and FreeBSD are still very close, with FreeBSD marginally ahead:


With up to 100 threads and a 5 milliseconds delay, there is little difference:

Increasing the delay to 10 milliseconds does not reveal any more differences:

As above, in more detail (per number of threads started):

With many more threads (and a 5 millisecond delay), Solaris does well but fails after 500 threads. Linux continues to work up to thousands of threads (FreeBSD failed this test):

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