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database performance: test setup: Sybase SQL Anywhere

SQL-Anywhere logo

Although this is a proprietary product, there is a developer edition available for download (simple web registration form required).
The software comes as a tar.gz archive containing a setup utility which launches a graphical installer (which also has a console mode option, etc):

Answering a few simple questions should get the software installed in the location of your choosing (ie: /opt/sqlanywhere10), the sofware installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, to choose between the two, simply set the environment variables to point to the bit-ness of you choosing, ie for 64-bit:

export SYBASE_ASA_HOME="/opt/sqlanywhere10/"

Then to create a database: dbinit test.db

The server is started with: dbsrv10 test.db

Because we need the tests to be fully automated, we use an expect script to workaround the fact that the server binary asks for confirmation on startup.

The database can then be accessed with this JDBC URL:
The default connections will use isolation level 2: "Read Committed".

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